Friday, June 1, 2012

Summary of project report three

“Documentation of the needs in the society in relation to my professional technical vocational practice as a builder” This article presents a summary of my project report for semester three in my Bachelor’s Degree program for technical vocational education for teachers at Upper Nile University, Malakal. The report discusses how I carried out an enquiry into exploring my understanding on setting out corners of a building as accurately as possible as one of the identified challenges in the professional practice. Needs in the society in relation to my professional technical vocational practices as a builder refers to the challenges experienced in the professional practices. For example the challenges of; walls developing cracks, moisture rising up into the wall, roofs of building being blown off by heavy winds, inaccurate setting of corners and so on. Some if not all of this challenges may proof too costly to rectify at a later stage. Therefore, as a practitioner, it may be important on a professional point of view to identify and understand such challenges in the professional practices and evaluate and analyze how it can be reduced or possibly avoided in the professional practices. The study was carried out in fulfillment of the theme for the third semester in this Bachelor’s program which is to explore the relation between my professional technical vocational practices as a builder and my understanding about the needs in the society. The research is also carried out to establish a common ground and possible ways on how its information can influence other craftsmen in the field of bricklaying and concrete practice and may in other crafts to also identify and understand common challenges in the professional practices. The main research method I used in this study into understanding setting of corners of a building as a challenge in my practices as a builder is “observation”. In this study, I see what is happening in its natural form; make my observations and reflections. The research tools I used included camera, notebook and pens and daily data log.

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